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Conference aims to unite struggles to reclaim cities

Published Oct 13, 2005 2:08 AM

A National Conference to Reclaim Our Cities (NCRC) will convene here Nov. 11-13 at Wayne State University. It was initiated by numerous activists and organizers, including Detroit City Council members JoAnn Watson and Maryann Mahaffey.

A wide variety of issues and concerns will have a place at this conference, from affordable health care, social security/ pensions, education and housing to the rights of workers, immigrants, women, the lesbian, gay, bi and trans community, and the struggle against racism, prisons and police brutality. Those on strike at Northwest Airlines, for example, can discuss how corporate bankruptcy is used against unions and plan for united action to fight back.

Recent events in New Orleans and throughout the Gulf Coast have brought home the daily disaster facing poor and working people in all U.S. cities, towns and states. The billions of tax dollars diverted to the Pentagon for wars of occupation, as in Iraq and Afghanistan, have left millions of people without the resources to meet their basic human needs for jobs, shelter, education, food and health care.

The program for the NCRC will reflect this reality. A special plenary with organizers from the South will speak on the fight for the right of evacuees to return home and control how New Orleans is rebuilt. There will be a plenary on the crisis affecting all U.S. cities, and a third plenary directly linking the anti-war struggle to the fight for social and economic justice at home.

Speakers will include Clarence Thomas, co-chair of the Million Worker March Move ment from the San Francisco Longshore workers union, Nellie Bailey from the Harlem Tenants Council, Larry Holmes of the Troops Out Now Coalition, Maureen Taylor from Michigan Welfare Rights, and many others.

Workshops will deal with topics like fighting utility shut-offs, the New Orleans Solidarity movement, impact of the Pentagon budget on our cities, police brutality and immigrant rights, the New Orleans solidarity movement, and the Rosa Parks 50th anniversary National Strike Against Poverty, Racism and War on Dec. 1, 2005. Sunday morning will be devoted to action proposals.

People interested in attending the conference, speaking at a workshop, having a table, and/or helping to get the word out in their communities should call (313) 680-5508 or email [email protected].

Registration ($20) and donations can be made online at www.reclaimourcities.us, which also contains an updated brochure.

Registrations and donations can also be mailed to the NCRC in care of UAWLocal 2334, 2727 Second Ave., Suite 314-D, Detroit, MI 48201. Make checks out to the NCRC.