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S.F. Labor Council: Save the postal workers

Published Sep 22, 2011 10:15 PM

The San Francisco Labor Council passed a resolution unanimously on Sept. 12 to save the public postal service, which is the latest target of right-wing attacks on organized labor.

The council responded to the proposed plan to decimate the U.S. Postal Service by eliminating Saturday delivery, shutting 3,700 USPS offices and firing 120,000 workers, despite a no-layoff clause in union contracts. The SFLC also pointed out that influential Rep. Darrell E. Issa (R-Calif.) has even more devastating plans: voiding all contracts for 574,000 postal workers and opening the door to privatization.

The resolution also noted that such cutbacks would have the most damaging effects on seniors, the poor and those living in rural communities, exactly those who depend on USPS services the most.

Calling this “an attack on all of labor,” the SFLC voted to close ranks with all other labor organizations in the country to defend postal workers and stop this draconian assault. In addition to protesting the closing of the local Bayview facility, the SFLC will support demonstrations on the National Day of Action called by the postal unions for Sept. 27. It also urged Bay Area congresspeople to co-sponsor two bills supported by postal unions: HR 137, which requires six days of mail delivery each week, and HR 1351, which seeks to prevent the USPS from defaulting on payments for future retiree health benefits.