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Horrors! Protesters in Kennebunkport!

Published Aug 30, 2007 9:54 PM

Some 3,000 antiwar protesters flooded the small ruling class hamlet of Kennebunkport, Maine, on Aug. 25. Their loud message, “End the War Now,” rocked the polite, secluded hideaway of the superrich and could be heard past the Secret Service compound at the entrance to the elder George Bush’s multi-million-dollar estate, targeted by the march organizers.

Led by Cindy Sheehan, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Military Families Speak Out and Melida and Carlos Arredondo, whose son was killed in Iraq, protesters came from throughout New England and the region. The Troops Out Now Coalition and the International Socialist Organization helped organize and promote the rally. Other groups on the march, which stretched for a mile, included Sea-coast Peace Response; the Portland, Me., Central Labor Council, Code Pink, many Vets for Peace groups from throughout New England and International ANSWER.

Liam Madden from IVAW called for “active resistance by active-duty GIs currently serving” during the opening rally. Bojah and the Insurrection provided stirring R&B hip-hop musical performance condemning U.S. wars “from Iraq to Palestine.”