To a socialist future Build Workers World
Workers World newspaper’s articles and editorials analyze major global and U.S. developments, always with an anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist perspective. Our pages report on people’s movements here and abroad, to not only inform our readers but to promote those struggles and show solidarity with them. And, WW aims to advance the struggle for socialism.

Ferguson, Missouri, 2014. WW PHOTO: Monica Moorehead
The WW Supporter Program was launched 44 years ago to help build this unique socialist newspaper. Since the early 1990s, the program has also supported, the website where new WW articles are posted daily, and each week’s full issue is displayed in a PDF document. The newspaper is printed and mailed out monthly.
For annual donations of $60, $120 or $300, members receive a year’s subscription, letters about timely issues and gift subscriptions. Supporters can receive the book, “What road to socialism?” (Notify us.) Or read it at
Write and mail monthly or annual checks to Workers World, 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011. (Include your name and address.) Or donate at