Taking protests from the streets to the sea
The following article first appeared on the Resistance News Network, April 22.
In two days, 1,000 people from around the world will board the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in a heroic attempt to break the siege on Gaza and deliver thousands of tons of aid, preparing to do what neighboring countries have failed to do.

Pro-Palestine activists wave Turkish and Palestinian flags in send-off to the Mavi Marmara Freedom Flotilla in Istanbul, Türkiye, Dec. 26, 2010.
As part of an international coalition of activists, doctors and others, three ships are set to sail for Gaza from Türkiye, determined to reach the besieged Strip despite the zionist entity’s threats.
The flotilla is reminiscent of 2010’s Mavi Marmara Freedom Flotilla, where a ship from Türkiye with the same goals tried to reach Gaza, resulting in the martyrdom of 10 activists after Israeli Occupation Forces raided the ship.
This time, the activists say they are more prepared. Two ships will carry activists, and a third will carry over 5,000 tons of aid. A fourth ship will join from Italy. The ships have been redesigned, with halls named after activists and the restaurant renamed “libertas.”
“There is no way that we can’t sail. There is no way that we can’t reach Gaza,” said one activist.
There is a possibility that the IOF will attack the ships, but the activists hold that the people of Palestine are in danger, too, and it is worth the risk.
Be sure to follow @FFC_official_channel (Telegram), @/gazafreedomflotilla (instagram.com/gazafreedomflotilla/) (Instagram), and @/GazaFFlotilla (x.com/GazaFFlotilla) (Twitter) to learn more and stay up to date.
“We refuse to sit back while the illegal occupation strangles all life out of Gaza!”