‘Let Palestine live,’ says Workers World
“They wanted to erase Palestine from the world; now the whole world is Palestine!” This slogan is more true than ever, as millions of people from every corner of the globe, horrified at Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza, have responded with huge demonstrations in solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing the Zionist state’s murderous siege and U.S collusion.

Washington, D.C., protest, Nov. 4, 2023. WW PHOTO: Joe Piette
Workers World newspaper critically reports on the catastrophic bombing of Gaza, where tens of thousands of people have been killed and two-thirds of the buildings have been demolished — hospitals, displaced persons camps, schools, houses, historic sites and more. The British medical journal Lancet just reported that 41% more Gazans have been killed than previously reported — nearly 65,000 from October 2023 to June 2024, mainly children, women and elders.
Our staff and writers join protests opposing Israel’s devastation and Washington’s lock-step support and provision of high-tech weaponry, including 2,000-pound bombs. Our coverage lambasts Israel’s deadly strikes in Lebanon, Syria and now Yemen and the Zionist state’s expansion into West Asia. The U.S. government’s silence on the genocide and widening war is deafening
A major difference between our newspaper and the corporate media: WW is partisan, unwavering in our support of the Palestinian people, their allies and resistance organizations and the peoples of West Asia against U.S.-backed Israeli aggression. Our staff vows to keep exposing the real toll of Israel’s militarism and denouncing Washington’s complicity.
Our articles explode the corporate media’s “Big Lie” about the Zionist state’s founding and expose the truth: Israel was created by U.S. and British-backed Zionist expulsion at gunpoint of 750,000 Indigenous Palestinians from their homes, farms and villages to live in refugee camps in Gaza or elsewhere.
Our newspaper calls for solidarity with the Palestinian people and all oppressed peoples. If you agree with the slogan “Free Palestine,” then WW is the newspaper for you.
Join the WW Supporter Program
This pro-worker, anti-imperialist newspaper relies on our readers’ backing. The WW Supporter Program was founded 48 years ago to help produce this pro-socialist newspaper and since the early 1990s, has supported the website workers.org, where new articles are posted daily and the weekly paper’s PDF is displayed.
Workers.org contains timely news and analyses of global and U.S. struggles, posts bulletins from the Palestinian resistance, their allies and other national liberation movements and articles translated by our staff. Mundo Obrero publishes articles in Spanish.
Our writer-organizers report on anti-capitalist, anti-war and anti-imperialist struggles and promote people’s movements against racism — and for the rights of Black, Latine, Indigenous, Arab and Asian peoples and women, workers, migrants, disabled and LGBTQIA2S+ people. Workers.org is a resource for political activists.
While WW’s staff members and writers are volunteers, the 12 issues printed and shipped each year and the website incur expenses. Although many online publications require payment to read their articles, WW does not. Our articles are free to all readers.
Can you donate $50, $100 or $200 per year? Contributing $50 or more will entitle you to receive 12 print issues a year, five emails per week with links to articles posted online and, upon request, a copy of the book “What road to socialism?”
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