No to criminalization of sex work!
The Women and Gender Oppressed Caucus of Workers World Party is proud to announce that we have voted to sign the Open Letter of the Sex Worker Organizing Group of the National Survivors Union against the Anti-Equity Model of Sex Work Criminalization.

(Graphic Credit: Third Wave Fund)
The National Survivors Union is an organization by and for drug users, with the Sex Worker Organizing Group being oriented towards former and current sex workers who use drugs. The Union, seeing the spread of the so-called “Nordic Model” (also called the Anti-Equity Model), has decided to fight back against the repression of sex workers by the state that uses this model to attack sex work and further marginalize sex workers.
After intense discussion, the Caucus recognized the need to sign onto this historic letter. Workers World Party has previously aligned with sex workers and people likely to become sex workers, such as trans people. We acknowledge that sex workers are workers and members of the working class. We recognize the need for revolutionaries of our class to extend solidarity with the most oppressed among us, and those often brutally repressed, beaten by police and imprisoned, while they are trying to survive.
The letter the caucus signed onto can be found here:
Here is the form to sign the letter:
More about the Anti-Equity Model can be found here:
More articles about sex work will be written for Workers World, so stay tuned!