Workers World hails South Africa’s solidarity with Palestine

Free Palestine rally in Washington, DC, Jan. 13, 2024
A statue of Nelson Mandela, erected by the Palestinian people, stands in Ramallah, on the occupied West Bank, in recognition of his support for their struggle, as leader of the African National Congress.
In 1990, after Mandela’s release from prison, he explained the ANC’s support for the Palestinian struggle: They “fully support the anti-apartheid struggle. They do not support us only in rhetoric. They are placing resources at our disposal, for us to win the struggle.”
Mandela condemned the Israeli state for supplying South Africa’s repressive apartheid government with weapons to use against the people. (Israel even offered the fascistic regime nuclear weapons!)
For years, Mandela drew parallels between the Palestinian and South African peoples’ struggles for liberation and stressed the importance of global support for both.
This resolute solidarity with the Palestinian people is being shown at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, where South Africa has brought charges against Israel of genocide. This is a principled act of courage and solidarity.
The people of the world have shown their solidarity with Palestine by demonstrating in the millions. Workers World newspaper covers these actions and unwaveringly supports the Palestinian people. Our staff members join the protests opposing Israel’s genocide and Washington’s lockstep support and provision of 2,000 pound bombs.
Unlike the corporate media, WW is partisan: Our paper has always sided with the Palestinians and their resistance organizations, just as our newspaper supported the militant anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa. Adhering to our principled support for national liberation movements, WW reprints and posts at statements issued by anti-Zionist resistance forces and their global allies and those of movements fighting imperialist domination and war.
WW calls for solidarity with the Palestinian people — and all exploited and oppressed peoples worldwide.
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