New York City rally for Puerto Rico’s struggle for independence

A rally took place Aug. 26 in front of the U.S. military recruiting station in Times Square in New York City, to demand an end to U.S. colonization in Puerto Rico. The chosen location aimed to raise awareness of the ongoing struggle faced by the people of Puerto Rico against U.S. imperialism, colonization and military occupation.

New York City rally, Aug. 26, 2023. (Photo: Ismael Nuñez)

This demonstration also commemorated 125 years of resistance by the Puerto Rican people, who continue to fight against gentrification, as well as the neoliberal privatization of their public beaches, schools, energy grid, and water resources. 

Crowds gathered and were educated on La Junta, the fiscal control board composed of wealthy Wall Street capitalists that dictates the austerity-driven economic policies in Puerto Rico.

The rally, which was organized by A Call to Action on Puerto Rico, also honored the memory of Puerto Rican Independista Franky Velgara Valentín, who sadly passed away on Aug. 25, 2022. Various organizations were represented at the gathering, including Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Partido Nacionalista de Puerto Rico (Juntas NY y NJ), Jericho Movement, and Workers World Party.

Rallies will continue in the coming months to mobilize support and strengthen the movement to end the U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico. The ultimate goal is to achieve independence and sovereignty for the people of Puerto Rico. Their rights and aspirations will be respected once the U.S. is booted from the island.

Puerto Rico will be free! Throw the Yanquis to the sea!


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