
Stand with Hugo Chávez & Venezuela

Hugo Chávez’s extraordinary career as military rebel, people’s hero and agent of deep social change in Venezuela, as well as…

December 13, 2012

Hurricane hits Haiti, Jamaica

Sandy began in the southern Caribbean near Nicaragua, and when it passed over Jamaica, its winds were barely hurricane force.…

November 5, 2012

Venezolanos reafirman la revolución: ‘Chávez no se va’

¡Chávez ganó! ¡El pueblo venezolano ganó! ¡América Latina y el socialismo ganaron! Estas consignas capturan el sentimiento mundial expresado cuando…

October 31, 2012


Venezuelans affirm revolution: ‘Chávez isn’t leaving’ Chávez won! The Venezuelan people won! Latin America and socialism won! These slogans capture…

October 11, 2012

Toronto tribunal & assembly demands: “Free the Cuban 5!”

Toronto, Canada — Toronto City Hall was the site of the Breaking the Silence Peoples’ Tribunal and Assembly Sept. 21-23.…

September 30, 2012