
Cut F-35s, not food stamps!

Struggling individuals and families across the U.S. will face even more hardship come Nov. 1, when Congress will allow some…

October 29, 2013

Shutdown crisis set back Tea Party, but mass struggle crucial to fight reaction and austerity

The government shutdown/debt-ceiling crisis evolved out of a civil war within the Republican Party between right-wing conservatives and the ultra-right…

October 23, 2013

Detroit people’s assembly to challenge banks’ rule

Sept. 30 — Activists in this beleaguered city are in the final days of organizing for an International People’s Assembly…

October 2, 2013

Editorial: Una grieta que deja entrar la claridad

En esta época de armas terriblemente destructivas y de la capacidad de agencias gubernamentales estadounidenses de espiar sobre todas las…

September 18, 2013

A crack that lets in light

In this age of horribly destructive weapons and the ability of U.S. government agencies to pore over everyone’s private communications…

September 11, 2013

Obama pushes war on Syria with new tactic

Another step to war On Sept. 3, Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, brokers for the Pentagon hawks, met…

September 3, 2013

In the Bush tradition, Obama lies to push war on Syria

Aug. 31 — Barack Obama’s speech today, delivered from the White House Rose Garden, was aimed at winning the acquiescence…

August 31, 2013

Russia grants Snowden asylum

Despite U.S. threats to retaliate, the Russian Federation government on Aug. 1 granted whistle-blower Edward Snowden temporary sanctuary. Snowden left…

August 7, 2013

Protests greet Obama on Africa tour

S. African groups raise Palestine, AFRICOM, U.S. political prisoners President Barack Obama visited three African states during late June and…

July 9, 2013

Obama escalates U.S. role in Syria

After a series of meetings in Washington, the Obama administration escalated the war against Syria by announcing that the United…

June 18, 2013