Nicolas Maduro

Milicias marchan en defensa de la Revolución Bolivariana

“Cada 11 tiene su 13”. Bajo este lema se celebró el Día de la Dignidad Nacional y Día de la…

April 16, 2014

Oakland, Calif., students’ solidarity with Venezuela gov’t

An educational meeting on Venezuela was held in Oakland, Calif., at Laney College on April 10.  The solidarity event was…

April 15, 2014

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela calls for peace

The following is an edited reprint from an opinion/editorial,“Venezuela: A call for peace,” that first appeared in the online edition of…

April 4, 2014

Bolivarian Venezuela fights fascist attacks

U.S. imperialism has supported and encouraged fascist groupings opposed to the legitimate Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro that are…

March 12, 2014

Venezuelan revolution defended

In a strong show of support for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Houston activists gathered at the Venezuelan consulate on Feb.…

March 6, 2014

Venezuelan communists say ’You win peace by defeating fascism’

Tribuna Popular, the newspaper of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV), reports on the party’s Feb. 24 news conference on…

March 6, 2014

U.S. backs terror against Venezuela

Feb. 18 — The current violence by rightist forces opposing the Bolivarian Revolution is a continuation of the siege that…

February 19, 2014

Venezuela Enabling Law provides new hope for Bolivarian revolution

By depleting the stocks of basic goods and unleashing speculation, the oligarchy opposing the government has imposed great difficulties on…

December 12, 2013

Venezuela/Enabling Law provides new hope for Bolivarian revolution

By depleting the stocks of basic goods and unleashing speculation, the oligarchy opposing the government has imposed great difficulties on…

December 4, 2013

Bolivarian revolution under siege for attempting to construct socialism

On  May 22, with cries of "That, that, that's the way to govern" and "They shall not return" (referring to…

June 11, 2013