Latin America & the Caribbean

Fraud, false promises and Haitian election

The Haitian presidential election was held on Nov. 20 in such a serene fashion that the country’s ruling class, with…

December 17, 2016

Cuba’s fundamental human rights

What is a “human right”? Working-class and oppressed people define the term “human rights” differently than the capitalists, businesses, banks…

December 15, 2016

To live like Fidel, to fight like Fidel

Excerpted from a talk given at the Dec. 1 Workers World Party meeting in New York City. There are as…

December 15, 2016

Gracias, Fidel

Gracias, Fidel Gracias le doy a la vida por mi cielo ser boricua, mi alma, nacionalista y mi credo, Fidelista.…

December 11, 2016

Mensaje de condolencias de la Red de Mujeres en Lucha del Centro de Acción Internacional

Las y los miembros del Centro de Acción Internacional y de su organización hermana, la Red de Mujeres en Lucha,…

December 11, 2016

Fidel and Billy Dean Smith

It was Sept. 28, 1972. Angela Davis and Fidel Castro were speaking at a mass meeting in Havana. Davis, recently…

December 10, 2016

Para Fidel: Fidel Castro-Ruz (1926-2016): VIVA FIDEL!

Fidel Castro, father of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, has died, after 90 years of a life of rebellion and resistance.…

December 10, 2016

Black Lives Matter: Lessons from Fidel

We are feeling many things as we awaken to a world without Fidel Castro. There is an overwhelming sense of…

December 10, 2016

Fidel’s enduring lesson: Yes, revolution is possible

Cuba’s nine-day, islandwide farewell to Fidel Castro ended Dec. 4 in Santiago de Cuba on the island’s southwest tip. The…

December 6, 2016

Haitians protest election shenanigans

The Haitian presidential election was held on Nov. 20 in such a serene fashion that the country’s ruling class, with…

December 4, 2016