Im/migrants and Refugees

Defying racists, group welcomes refugees

When some young Houston activists discovered that a racist, anti-immigrant group called Stop the Magnet was going to be on…

July 15, 2014

No deportations of migrant youth!

Refugee status for detained children NOW Activists put a sardonic but accurate twist on the Fourth of July so-called celebration.…

July 9, 2014

Oakland, Calif., groups denounce immigrant detentions

Oakland, Calif. -- The East Bay Immigrant Youth Coalition and the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance held a press conference…

July 9, 2014

Milwaukee activists shut down ICE

June 24, Milwaukee — Activists led by “Youth Empowered in the Struggle” shut down the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office…

June 26, 2014

Set them free!

Migrant children jailed at border In response to the groundswell of news of thousands of migrant children ensnared by Homeland…

June 18, 2014

Martínez family reunites to fight deportation on Father’s Day

Families shouldn’t have to spend Father’s Day on an international bridge just to be together, but that’s what happened to…

June 17, 2014

Milwaukee community, labor protests ICE

Protesting multiple Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids in Milwaukee the week of May 25, the labor and immigrant rights organization…

June 6, 2014

Federal gov’t ‘employs’ immigrants in slave labor detention

Yet another example of the urgent need for the anti-mass-incarceration movement to unite with the immigrant rights struggle was highlighted…

May 29, 2014

Undocumented students demand access to education

Atlanta --  Since 2010, undocumented students have been unable to attend the top five public universities and colleges in Georgia…

May 22, 2014