Im/migrants and Refugees

Migrant punishment ‘protocols’ protested in Texas

Immigrant-rights activists and advocates gathered in protest outside a San Antonio, Texas, courthouse on Jan. 29, the  anniversary of the…

February 5, 2020

After British right-wing win, workers need anti-racist unity

Elections held Dec. 12 in England, Scotland, Wales and the occupied north of Ireland were a boost to Trump protégé…

December 18, 2019

Portland rally: ‘Defend DACA!’

Members of the Oregon DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Coalition shared their stories during the “Defend DACA, Home Is…

November 22, 2019

Harvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICE

Nov. 15 -- Harvard College Act on a Dream (AOD) launched the #CrimsonListen campaign today with a petition, boycott, teach-in…

November 22, 2019

Children and women lost, people dead in ICE custody

According to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union  released Oct. 24, over 5,400 children have been separated from…

October 31, 2019

Protests across the U.S. tell Greyhound: ICE off our buses!

Demonstrations targeting Greyhound for its collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement took place in a national day of action in…

October 29, 2019

Syracuse, N.Y. says: ‘Close the Camps’ with people’s power

“Up, up with liberation! Down, down with deportation!” rang out Oct. 11 as more than 75 people marched through the…

October 17, 2019

Portland demands ICE Off Greyhound buses!

The Portland branch of Workers World Party organized a protest Sept. 21 against Greyhound’s collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement…

September 24, 2019

Sept. 16: Day Without Immigrants SF

On Sept. 16, more than 3,000 im/migrants and their supporters gathered in San Francisco’s Mission District to demand “Close the…

September 24, 2019

Supreme Court decision hits migrants

Again and again, the federal government continues to deny im/migrants the most elementary human rights. On Sept. 11, seven of…

September 19, 2019