Human needs before profits

Tax “reform” — Rob the poor to pay the rich

Dec. 4 — Faster than a speeding corporate PAC contribution to campaign coffers, the U.S. Senate passed its version of…

December 4, 2017

New tax scam shifts more wealth to wealthy

Contrary to the lie that the Republicans are proposing populist relief for all taxpayers, an honest analysis of the proposed…

November 29, 2017

Transit advocates blast MTA board over fare hike plans

New York — The state comptroller announced Nov. 9 that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s expenditures would soon require it to…

November 27, 2017

Stop racist Ryan’s tax plan: Workers to suffer while bosses benefit

"The only things one can be sure of regarding whatever it is that the Republican congressional majorities come up with…

November 7, 2017

Boss Trump moves to destabilize ACA

Surrounded by a cabal of smirking small business owners, President Donald Trump scrawled his signature onto another executive order on…

October 18, 2017

Hepatitis A epidemic is desolating the homeless in San Diego

Hepatitis A is desolating San Diego’s homeless population, which is the fourth-largest in the U.S. within a city. The county’s…

September 21, 2017

Hurricane Irma’s devastation: Nothing ‘natural’ about it

Sept. 11 — Scientists know it. The rash of powerful storms to hit the Caribbean and the Southern states of…

September 11, 2017

Irma hits Florida: Who will help those most in need?

As of Sept. 11, people around the world have read millions of words and seen extensive television reports and photos…

September 11, 2017

Michigan activists fight home auctions

A demonstration at the Wayne County treasurer’s home on Aug. 31 and a subsequent action at the treasurer’s office on…

September 7, 2017

United against hate in Ohio

A rally was held on the campus of Ohio State University in Columbus on Aug. 27 to show solidarity in…

September 1, 2017