Human needs before profits

African Americans still not recovered from Great Recession

Despite claims that the country is in a gradual economic recovery, millions are being thrown into poverty and prolonged joblessness.…

November 10, 2013

Guest commentary: ‘Affordable Care’ leaves out millions

Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act health plan has begun, despite a spectacular wrestle-down in Congress that made it the…

October 31, 2013

Resistance ramps up against Detroit bankruptcy as role of banks is exposed

Oct. 28 — Detroit residents, workers and retirees have been protesting and assembling on an almost daily basis to resist…

October 29, 2013

Why capitalists fear abundance

What is the big problem in today’s world? Is it scarcity? Not enough food, shelter, clothing and other necessities? Not…

October 27, 2013

Gentrification rocks North Carolina working class

Several years ago, the city of Durham, N.C., announced that it had developed a 10-year program to eradicate local homelessness.…

October 27, 2013

Protesters surround Detroit bankruptcy court

Oct. 24 — The federal courthouse in downtown Detroit was surrounded by more than 1,000 defiant protesters the morning of…

October 24, 2013

Shutdown crisis set back Tea Party, but mass struggle crucial to fight reaction and austerity

The government shutdown/debt-ceiling crisis evolved out of a civil war within the Republican Party between right-wing conservatives and the ultra-right…

October 23, 2013

Detroit City Council tells EM and banks, ‘No!’

Oct. 21 — In a unanimous vote today, Detroit’s City Council refused to rubber stamp the state-appointed Emergency Manager’s plan…

October 22, 2013

Vigil for Laporshia Massey – Victim of Philly Schools Budget cuts

In honor of Laporshia Massey, nearly 150 people gathered on Oct. 17 for a silent candlelight vigil hosted by school…

October 19, 2013

Activists demand: ‘Stop the banks’ looting of Detroit’

Oct. 18 — The ongoing struggle against the racist, undemocratic emergency manager regime in Detroit and its filing of Chapter…

October 19, 2013