Stop imperialist war and occupation

Anti-drone events in Central New York

Syracuse, N.Y. -- In a determined protest against the U.S. use of drone warfare, 150 people marched to the gates…

May 2, 2014

Ukrainian resistance holds firm against U.S.-EU takeover

April 18 — As of this writing, the maneuver by U.S. and European imperialism at the Geneva “reconciliation” talks to…

April 21, 2014

The meaning of low-wage worker struggle

And the need for an independent revolutionary pole in new working-class movement The nationwide strikes of workers at places like…

April 19, 2014

Chicago anti-war meeting on Ukraine beats back fascists

Anti-war and anti-imperialist activists in Chicago held a successful public teach-in on U.S.-NATO aggression against Ukraine and Russia on April…

April 15, 2014

Lenin’s ‘Imperialism’ and the struggle vs the 1%

In commemoration of Lenin's death 90 years ago. Excerpted from a talk given at the March 29, 2014, “Hard Times…

April 9, 2014

Behind the coup in Ukraine: Oil and gas as a weapon

What do oil and gas have to do with the U.S.-sponsored crisis in the Ukraine? Lots. But that is barely…

March 20, 2014

Protests in U.S. hit lies on Ukraine, Venezuela

Confronting a barrage of pro-war propaganda, anti-war groups, low-wage workers and community activists are beginning to mobilize against U.S. war…

March 19, 2014

NATO expansion — Yugoslavia to Ukraine

Behind Washington’s hypocritical talk of “national sovereignty,” “territorial integrity” and “international law” in its efforts to undercut the overwhelming vote…

March 18, 2014