Racism and Self-Determination

Judge Claudia House Morcom, ¡Presente!

Judge Claudia House Morcom died in her Detroit home on Aug. 17, at age 82. ­Dignified, glamorously beautiful and generous…

August 28, 2014

Solidarity actions support justice in Missouri

Protests in solidarity with the people of Ferguson, Mo., in response to the police murder of African-American youth Michael Brown…

August 27, 2014

Police killing ignites struggle against racism

Slain 18-year-old Ferguson, Mo., resident Michael Brown was laid to rest on Aug. 25. The funeral was a local and…

August 26, 2014

Outside the funeral, conversations about racist brutality

Ferguson, Mo., Aug. 25 — Many thousands of people, the majority of them standing outside the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist…

August 26, 2014

Ferguson, Mo., community stands strong against militarized police

Ferguson, Mo. -- Anti-racists from all over the world fighting against police brutality have expressed their solidarity with the embattled…

August 25, 2014

Ferguson, Mo., community activists talk to WW

Ferguson, Mo., Aug. 24 — Abdul Syed marches courageously and in solidarity with the hundreds of protesters who march nightly…

August 25, 2014

Thousands demand “Justice for Eric Garner!”

Staten Island, N.Y. -- At least 15,000 people demonstrated in Staten Island, N.Y., on Aug. 23,  demanding justice for Eric…

August 25, 2014

Union leader responds to tragedy in Ferguson

This Aug. 14 message, posted at cwa-union.org, is from Claude Cummings, Communication Workers of America vice president of District 6…

August 21, 2014

New York City subway performers denounce police crackdown

Subway artists and police brutality activists held a news conference at City Hall on Aug. 12 to protest the racist…

August 21, 2014

Night of pain — night of rage

Once again, a Black unarmed youth has been killed by a cop. And while the facts surrounding the shooting are…

August 21, 2014