Iowa’s Good Park Rebellion celebrates 50 years — led to local Black Panther Party’s founding

Fifty years ago the “Good Park Rebellion” helped inspire the founding of the Black Panther Party in Des Moines, Iowa.…

July 7, 2016

Al-Quds rallies protest apartheid Israel

International Al-Quds Day is celebrated all over the world on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. This…

July 6, 2016

Working-class warriors in the battle of ideas

Now is the time for working people in the United States to act in solidarity with the valiant teachers’ struggle…

July 6, 2016

Puerto Rico’s new phase: People resist financial junta

On June 30 when President Barack Obama signed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act -- PROMESA (meaning…

July 6, 2016

Okinawans resist U.S. military bases

Resistance is alive and well in Okinawa. Some 65,000 people rallied on June 19 in Naha, the island’s capital city,…

July 5, 2016

Mississippi is still burning

Both the Black Lives Matter movement of today and the Civil Rights movement of Freedom Summer 1964 were ignited by…

July 5, 2016

How rich benefit from Cuomo ‘jobs program’

Workers have had to fight for jobs for a long time. In response to the economic panic and depression of…

July 5, 2016

Nueva fase de lucha en Puerto Rico

Cuando el presidente Barack Obama firmó el jueves 30 de junio, la Ley de Fiscalización, Manejo y Estabilización Económica de…

July 5, 2016

Cumbre OTAN en Varsovia amenaza guerra a Rusia

La ubicación de la próxima cumbre de la OTAN es en sí misma una provocación contra Rusia. Los líderes de…

July 5, 2016

Brexit and the migration/refugee humanitarian crisis

The recent Brexit vote in Europe was closely tied to the issue of migrants and refugees.  Mirrored by the racist,…

July 4, 2016