Wisconsin petition blitz for Moorehead-Lilly campaign

Members and friends of Workers World Party from around the country joined WWP members and supporters in Wisconsin June 30…

July 13, 2016


Workers World Party’s national election campaign, with Monica Moorehead for president and Lamont Lilly for vice president, is building the…

July 13, 2016

Yes ALL cops: Supporting the oppressed against the police

The Appalachian Workers Alliance stands uncompromisingly with the current movements of the people against systemic police brutality and murder of…

July 13, 2016

‘No more racist police killings!’

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="26110,26111,26112,26114,26113,26115,26116"] July 11 -- Hundreds of protests, militant marches and highway blockades have been held across the country…

July 12, 2016

March to shut down Trump and racism!

July 11 -- Since launching his racist, violent, hate-filled campaign for U.S. president, Donald Trump has met militant opposition at…

July 12, 2016

Ominous war moves in Pacific

The Pentagon has announced it will deploy an advanced missile defense system, known as Thaad, in south Korea. Washington has…

July 12, 2016

NATO Summit talks peace, plans war

President Barack Obama had to rush his participation at the NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland. As head of the imperialist…

July 12, 2016

Detengamos el racismo de Brexit con solidaridad obrera mundial

El referéndum Brexit en Bretaña es el resultado de una campaña reaccionaria y racista por el ala derecha de la…

July 12, 2016

An appeal to Black athletes: Boycott the Olympics until Black Lives Matter!

Bulletin: Since the WWP election campaign released this statement on July 6, police in the Minneapolis area have gunned down…

July 8, 2016

SOULS ON ICE: Black hockey players

The 2015-16 National Hockey League has ended. But 22 years before the NHL was established, the Colored Hockey League of…

July 8, 2016