People’s Power Assemblies: ‘A people’s movement for Black lives’

Statement issued by the People’s Power Assemblies of New York City on Dallas and the future of our movement, which…

July 27, 2016

Peace and Dignity Journeys honor Indigenous peoples

Many people gathered in beautiful Chicano Park in San Diego, Calif., awaiting the arrival of the Peace and Dignity Journey…

July 27, 2016

Stay in the streets

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="26318,26314,26313"] July 26, 6 p.m. -- The DNC Black Resistance March this afternoon streamed out of North Philadelphia,…

July 26, 2016

The DNC and big money

July 26 -- The Democratic National Convention has barely begun, and it is already quite clear that a large number…

July 26, 2016

Athletes show wide support for BLM

The Republican National Convention, which nominated the white supremacist, fascistic Donald Trump as its presidential candidate, has added fire under…

July 26, 2016

Black and Brown unity: a powerful force

Karl Marx wrote that the capitalist class would create its own gravediggers. Black and Brown folks will assuredly be some…

July 26, 2016

Después de la campaña de Sanders

Bernie Sanders le ha dado un respaldo temprano a Hillary Clinton como candidata antes de la convención del Partido Demócrata.…

July 26, 2016

Who’s really behind Trump, besides Trump

The Republican National Convention produced as many flat-out lies as there are flies on a dung heap. Quite a few…

July 25, 2016

On convention opening day, 1,000 march on RNC

On the opening day of the Republican National Convention, the Coalition to Dump Trump and March on the RNC led…

July 25, 2016

Immigrant rights activists “wall off Trump”

Cleveland - Among the most creative and militant protests during the Republican National Convention was a “wall” of fabric with…

July 25, 2016