Red Square/Molotov Club: ‘Stop NATO! Peace to the People!’

The following is a memorandum issued by the VI Annual Conference of the expert community “Red Square/Molotov Club,” held May 24-25 in Moscow.

Participants of the VI Annual Conference of the expert community “Red Square / Molotov Club” (hereinafter: “Community”), held with the organizational support of the news agency M.A.R.T.corp., in Moscow from May 24-25, 2023, declare:

  1. In the years since the V Annual Conference of the Community (2020), the world has been subjected to increasing instability and turbulence. Thus, the Peace Movement in different countries, as well as the left, socialist and communist movements, are increasingly prone to split for ideological reasons.

The split in the camp of Peace and Socialism only plays into the hands of the forces of oppression and exploitation, the camp of imperialist predators who with all their might are expanding conflict zones in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

These well-known forces intend to undermine the economic and political opportunities of alternative development countries — China, Russia, India and other countries seeking to escape dependence on the dictatorship of the dollar, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. We call for the unification of progressive forces to resist pressure on China, Russia and other countries pursuing policies independent of the interests of London, Washington and the European Union.

The aggressive application of sanctions at the request of the United States and Britain leads the peoples of the EU to slide deeper into the funnel of crisis and poverty. Sanctions bring mutual harm to the EU [member countries] and Russia!

  1. We draw the attention of all progressive groups and organizations to the fact that the beginning of the SVO [Special Military Operation] was a measure forced upon Russia to ensure its own security in response to the aggressive policy of Western countries in Ukraine.

For many years, since 2014, the Russian Federation has exclusively pursued a policy of peace and negotiations with the Kiev authorities. However, by 2022, Ukraine had finally lost its political independence, turning into an aggressive NATO enclave aimed at conflict with Russia.

It was the aggressive nature of the actions of the Kiev regime and the beginning of the offensive of the regime-controlled troops on the People’s Republic of Donbass, in violation of the Minsk Agreements, that forced the Russian Federation to take retaliatory steps.

Currently, the conflict has acquired a protracted, sluggish character. Prolonging this conflict is beneficial exclusively to the countries of the capitalist center — the United States, Britain and the EU.

In this regard, there is a constant saturation of the Kiev regime with more and more modern weapons. The cessation of arms supplies will lead to the end of the conflict. We demand that weapons no longer be sent to the Kiev authorities! Only this measure is capable of ending the conflict in the near future and opening the possibility for peaceful negotiations!

  1. We call on the world community and human rights organizations to pay attention to the problems of political repression in Ukraine and in NATO countries.

In addition to total repression against the opposition in Ukraine, controlled by the Kiev authorities, a similar repressive policy is already unfolding in Western countries, undermining the very foundations of democratic rule. This threatens to turn both Western Europe and the United States into a kind of Kiev copiers with the similar brutal suppression of any opposition and dissent.

  1. We call on the world community and human rights organizations to pay attention to the problems of prisoners of war in Ukraine and in other regions of conflict and instability.

Thus, the Kiev regime demonstrates a disdainful attitude towards international legal acts on prisoners of war, in fact ignoring them.

Moreover, in the process of exchanging prisoners during the conflict, the Kiev authorities do not want to exchange wounded and sick servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, giving priority only to neo-Nazi prisoners.

  1. We strongly denounce the systematic violations by the countries of the West and Ukraine of the terms of the grain deal to provide the world market with grain from Ukraine to prevent food prices from rising and causing hunger in many countries.

The constant threat of closing the grain deal due to the fault of the West and the Ukrainian authorities brings artificial excitement to the world food market and creates an increase in prices and food shortages primarily for the poor, not only Third World countries but also Western countries.

This plays into the hands of only food monopolists but not the workers of all countries!

Thus, the VI Annual Conference of the expert community, Red Square/Molotov Club “Stop NATO! Peace to the people!” strongly condemns the support of the coup d’etat in Ukraine in 2014 by the United States and NATO, as well as their support for the massive political repression of the Kiev regime and the conflict in the Donbass for nine years.

We demand a quick and painless exchange of prisoners in Ukraine and other conflict zones!

We condemn the constant policy of Western sanctions against Russia and other countries!

We call on the governments and peoples of the European Union to resist the policy of sanctions initiated by the United States against the Russian Federation! Sanctions bring mutual harm to the EU and Russia.

Stop the systematic violations by the countries of the West and Ukraine of the terms of the grain deal to provide the world market with grain from Ukraine!

We demand the cessation of military assistance from the United States and its allies to the Kiev regime!

We support the initiative of Humberto Carvalho (Brazilian Communist Party) to create a World Organization of Anti-Fascists!

Stop NATO! Peace to the people!

International expert community “Red Square/Molotov Club”
Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine
M.A.R.T.Corp. News Agency Call: +7 901 764 11 87 May 24, 25, 2023 Moscow

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