
Staughton Lynd: lifelong advocate for liberation

Longtime anti-racist and antiwar activist turned labor lawyer, Staughton Lynd died Nov. 17, five days before his 93rd birthday. Born…

December 2, 2022

Prison hunger strikers challenge solitary torture

Bulletin:  WW received notice of a new letter from Michael Rivera who wrote: “While active participants in the hunger strike…

June 30, 2022

WWP Prisoners Solidarity Committee demands
Ban shackling!

Members of the Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party investigated the use of shackles on prisoners while hospitalized and…

April 8, 2022

Biden and Harris won’t help prisoners

The following are lightly edited remarks from a Workers World Party webinar on January 21. It’s actually been a very…

February 12, 2021

Another reason to tear down the walls: Ohio jail 100% COVID-positive

Cleveland, Ohio In a recent report, the Ohio Immigrant Alliance stated that the Morrow County  Correctional Facility in Mt. Gilead…

July 3, 2020