Release of Fukushima wastewater threatens workers September 4, 2023 The Japanese government began releasing [...]
Camp David summit outlines military alliance against China August 25, 2023 August 22 — U.S. war threats against China [...]
Global solidarity with Writers Guild strike June 23, 2023 The International Affiliation of Writers Guilds [...]
Japan rearms under Washington’s pressure − a wake-up call to the antiwar movement December 28, 2022 Okinawa is the largest of the Ryukyu islands. The [...]
Protest targets discrimination against Koreans living in Japan November 4, 2021 credit: WW photo: Sara Flounders A [...]
El trato que recibe Naomi Osaka suscita dudas ¿Son los deportistas profesionales trabajadores explotados? June 15, 2021 En el Manifiesto Comunista, Karl Marx y Friedrich [...]
Naomi Osaka’s treatment raises question Are pro athletes exploited workers? June 8, 2021 In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx and [...]
Why Hiroshima and Nagasaki were incinerated May 20, 2016 Barack Obama is scheduled to visit Hiroshima on [...]
Fuerzas de clase detrás del genocidio estadounidense en Hiroshima y Nagasaki August 18, 2015 En el 70º aniversario de los asesinatos en masa [...]
Class forces behind U.S. genocide in Hiroshima, Nagasaki August 13, 2015 On the 70th anniversary of the mass murders of [...]