A brief description of Workers World Party

Sam Marcy was the leader of a group of communists who formed Workers World Party in 1959 in several cities in the United States. The party's name underlines its orthodox Marxist view that the struggle for socialism is international and that the working class is its prime mover.

Workers World Party is a militant participant in all the progressive movements in the United States and has pioneered in relating Marxism to the various struggles against oppression -- including the struggles for national liberation, the women's movement and the lesbian/gay/bi/trans movement.

Over the years, Marcy's writings elaborated on the party's basic positions, giving particular emphasis to analyzing the socialist countries, the national liberation movements and imperialism. These writings have been unabashedly partisan to the workers and oppressed but realistic about the many problems, both subjective and objective, faced by countries trying to build socialism. Marcy's major work was a Marxist critique of perestroika -- the Gorbachev reforms that culminated in counter-revolution and the breakup of the Soviet Union.

WWP sees the class struggle between the workers and the capitalists as irreconcilable -- it cannot be negotiated away. The processes of capitalist production re-create it every day. Only a socialist revolution and the expropriation of the expropriators can clear the way to begin to rebuild society without class divisions and antagonisms.

The party studies the great revolutionary experiences in Russia, China, Cuba, and elsewhere, as well as the writings of Marx and Engels on the development of scientific socialism and the early proletarian movement in Europe. It adheres to Leninist conceptions on the need for a democratic centralist party that supports national self-determination of all oppressed peoples.

It also has a rich history of class struggle in the United States.

The party's positions are expressed in the pages of its weekly newspaper, Workers World, and in many books and pamphlets issued over its 40 years of existence.

For further information, you can contact Workers World: