Assata Shakur and Mumia Abu-Jamal honor Sam Marcy

Both of these statements appeared in the March 14, 1998, tribute book for Sam Marcy, on the occasion of his death on Feb. 1, 1998. 

Assata Shakur on Sam Marcy:

Assata Shakur

It is not often when we are lucky enough to find a person who is willing to devote his or her entire energy to struggling for a better world. Sam Marcy was such a person. I did not know him personally, but he touched my life in a profound way.

It was always with great interest that I read his articles and his books. Of course, I did not agree with everything he said, but he made me think, helped me to reach within myself, to study, to analyze and to grow. He was a thinker and doer. He was a sincere man who dared to wrestle with complex theoretical matters. He had the discipline and the energy to take firm positions and be faithful to his revolutionary convictions. He was a man who was greatly respected by progressive activists of different political tendencies. He is a man who will be remembered. He is a man who will be sincerely missed.

With respect and solidarity,

Assata Shakur

Mumia Abu Jamal on Sam Marcy:

Mumia Abul Jamal

I’m writing to extend my/our condolences on the loss of your comrade, Sam Marcy. I can tell you from conversations with John Black that you deeply respected and loved the man for many years for his commitment and organizing skills. Not having ever met him, I can’t begin to suggest I have some idea of his personal qualities.

I do know, however, of his impressive organizational and propagandistic skills, and I can only admit my admiration. That he has left a young, vital, politically adept cadre behind him is one hell of a tribute to him. The many and various movements that Workers World is involved in for workers, for national minorities, for the oppressed on behalf of a radical, anti-imperialist idea is a further tribute.

Thus my/our condolence is mixed with that acknowledgement.

With my/our best wishes,

Mumia Abu-Jamal

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