Will U.S. troops refuse to brutalize migrants?
WW editorial
The billionaires’ new administration in Washington is putting its violent and reactionary anti-migrant program into effect. Its enforcement relies on shock and awe. On force. It relies on obedience. In the end, it counts on the U.S. Armed Forces. But will all troops follow their orders, including illegal orders?
Workers World raises this question, because there is increased evidence that within the U.S. military, some of the troops are thinking for themselves. It shows first among military veterans. The U.S.-armed genocide in Gaza – together with the courageous Palestinian resistance – has spurred this opposition. Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation in Washington last year sent a wake-up call, and veterans and troops have woken up with a start.
The 1,500 U.S. troops already sent to the Mexican border follow social media as much as the rest of the people. They have seen the Israeli war crimes. They’ve seen charges brought against Israeli leaders. They’ve seen Israeli reservists refuse to report to duty. And the U.S. troops know that Washington has been supplying arms to Israel for the genocide in Gaza.
Individual U.S. military veterans, some active-duty troops and veterans’ anti-war organizations have made statements encouraging active-duty troops to protest against genocide and protest U.S. participation in these war crimes. (See veteransforpeace.org)
We expect that the resistance regarding Gaza will impact Trump’s plan to use U.S. federal troops in his illegal war against civilian migrants. He has already begun to round up workers. He plans to deport their children. Even children born in the United States.

Anti-migrant policies protested in Chicago, Jan. 25, 2025.
It is against U.S. law to use U.S. federal troops against civilians. You can look up Posse Comitatus. It is a crime to use troops that way. This point can be central to the struggle for migrants’ rights.
Some U.S. troops will abhor orders to round up workers and their families and force them into camps or onto planes. Some will refuse those orders. Some will object even to being used in the background while police and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) carry out the dirty work.
Troops might even worry that someday if they obey criminal orders, they may be prosecuted for crimes. They should.
Activists who want to aid the fight for migrant rights should consider how to reach out to rank-and-file military members. Working-class troops have a class interest in building solidarity with their undocumented class comrades. The U.S. oligarchy has targeted migrants, scapegoating them with the obvious goal of keeping the working class divided.
Trump and his billionaires might claim they deport migrants for some other reason, but all the other reasons roll into one Big Lie. Deportations only disorganize production and the delivery of goods and cause much personal misery. They will solve no problems. The advantage (to the bosses) is only that the practice keeps workers divided and provides a scapegoat for the ills of capitalist society.
If any individual troops refuse to carry out these crimes against migrant workers, they deserve the full support of the movements fighting for migrant rights and battling war and racism.
If troops get together to denounce these criminal orders or refuse to obey them, they will be striking a blow for class solidarity. This kind of class solidarity can be the most effective tool against the Trump oligarchy and against the entire U.S. imperialist ruling class.