Portland, Maine, divests from Israeli genocide
Portland, Maine, has become the fourth U.S. city to divest from the Israeli state. The city’s divestment includes Israel Bonds, Israeli-owned businesses and companies that supply Israel with weapons or profit from the expansion of illegal settlements. The resolution, passed by the City Council on Sept. 4, was sponsored by the Maine Coalition for Palestine and the state chapter of Jewish Voice for Peace.

Outside General Dynamics factory, Saco, Maine, Jan. 3, 2024. Photo: Schaible, Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Portland is Maine’s largest city and the first East Coast city to divest from Israel. The resolution states in part, “The city of Portland recognizes the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and seeks to avoid economically supporting this crisis through the city’s financial investments.” (commondreams.org, Sept. 5)
The other cities that have passed divestment resolutions are Richmond, California, Hayward, California, and Hamtramck, Michigan. Hamtramck, a small community in Metro Detroit, has a large Arab and Muslim population.
Divestment is the next step after numerous cities have passed resolutions calling for a ceasefire in Palestine. Even these resolutions weren’t won without a fight.
Palestine solidarity activists across the U.S. are pushing for their cities, counties and states to end their investments in the genocidal Zionist state. The victory in Maine is a boost to all of these efforts.