Letters from incarcerated siblings

Dear Workers World staff,

Hoping this note finds you well. Would you please sign me up to receive a subscription to Workers World?

I admit that I don’t agree with everything — or even most of — the progressive agenda. But I have always gotten along well with members of socialist workers organizations. And I have the highest regard for your paper and integrity.


Sincerely yours,

Gene G.
SCI Albion, Pennsylvania

We really appreciate this letter, Gene. Whenever workers set out to organize for our collective power, the first lesson we learn is that everybody isn’t always going to see eye to eye. Despite our different backgrounds and experiences, all of us have common hopes and common grievances. And we sure as hell have common enemies: the bosses, the banks and the billionaires.

Enjoy your subscription and don’t hesitate to write again to let us know what you think! — TK

Dear WW,

I am a juvenile lifer who has been in PA for 23 years. I am for the people. I am not afraid to stand up and am always in solidarity with ALL impoverished people. I would love more information on your organization and how I can be of service.

In solidarity,

Kristopher H.
SCI Frackville, Pennsylvania

Revolutionary greetings, Kristopher. What else can we say in response but “Hell yes!” In order to really be for the people, we have to be for all the people — the poor and oppressed most of all. Sending love and solidarity to you and all our comrades up at Frackville. We’ll be in touch. — TK

Dear WW,

Thank you for taking a moment to consider this letter. Many years ago I enjoyed reading your newspaper, and I was wondering what it would take to get that subscription restarted? Please let me know, I miss you!

Thanks in advance.


Indiana State Prison

We missed you, too, comrade! Glad to have you back on our subscriber list. — TK

Dear WW:

Feeling the weight of jail upon my shoulders. Really means nothing compared to the disappointment that’s deep within my heart from living the so-called American Dream. And so many are locked up in that dream even on parole, wondering what the next hour will bring in wicked Amerikkka.

This is what leads me to contacting you, to try and receive the newspaper to read what’s going on around the world.

Thank you.

Fort Worth, TX

Beautifully said, J.T. We hope that the coverage within these pages of the revolutionary fight-back that goes on every day around the world can help lift your spirits. Strength and solidarity. — TK

Dear friends,

How do you do? Hope my letter finds you in the best of health, spirits and state of mind. Much respect!

Horace Thomas
California State Prison, Soledad, CA


By Horace Thomas

Society doesn’t look at the bigger picture
from the beginning where life starts
The sequence of events
At each time play their part

Somewhere down the line
The affected look in the mirra’
A young girl lost
And no one can hear her

A boy out in the streets
He’s run away from home
Out there with the elements
The horror of being alone

The obstacles and hurdles
The feeling of defeat
The limits, boundaries
Each step becomes a leap

a guest author

Published by
a guest author

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