Portland Brigadistas report on Cuba Venceremos trip

Portland, Oregon

Workers World Party members Lyn Neeley and Danny O’Brien did a report-back Jan. 30 at Portland State University on their recent trip to Cuba as part of the 51st contingent of the Venceremos Brigade.

Lyn Neeley and Danny O’Brien. PHOTO: Dana

Their slides showed the Cuban arts and cultural performances presented to the Brigade, the famous Cuban antique cars and the colorful buildings and beautiful countryside in the eastern provinces of Cuba.

They discussed what they have learned about Cuba’s amazing health care system and the passage of the new Family Code that Cubans refer to as a “Law of Love.” From their meeting with Cuban soldiers and officers, they described the unique role of soldiers and police in socialist Cuba.

The goals of the Venceremos Brigade are to end the U.S. blockade of Cuba, all U.S.-imposed travel restrictions and all regime-change programs; end the illegal U.S. military occupation of Guantanamo Bay; and to strengthen movements for justice in the U.S. through exchange and collaboration with Cuba.

Twenty students, professors and community activists attended the event, asked questions and joined a lively discussion at the end of the presentation.

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