Say NO to U.S. wars!

Raleigh, North Carolina. WW Photo: Workers World Durham bureau.
Antiwar organizations and activists protested outside the federal courthouse in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina, Oct. 22. Workers World Party, Democratic Socialists of America, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Muslims for Social Justice, Communist Party USA, Code Pink and the North Carolina Green Party demonstrated in response to the United National Antiwar Coalition’s national call to action. Speakers from the organizations highlighted the damage done to Black and Brown people inside the United States by the war machine, as well as the destruction brought to every country targeted by U.S. imperialism, either by direct attacks or sanctions.

Buffalo, New York. WW Photo: Ellie Dorritie
Organizations and activists representing the United National Antiwar Coalition gathered in Buffalo, New York, Oct. 21 to protest the U.S.’s imperialist interventions in Ukraine and Haiti. Literature relating to the demonstration was distributed to passersby. Along with Workers World Party, co-sponsors of the event included the Erie County Green Party, Buffalo Democratic Socialists of America, Buffalo Food Not Bombs and the International Action Center.
— Reports by Ryan Lockwood (Buffalo) and Workers World Durham bureau