Philly area protests proliferate
- Anti-cop, anti-Trump protesters flood streets of Philadelphia, Nov. 16.
- Town hall meeting for J20 counter-inaugural and more.
In the second week since the election of Donald Trump, protests have continued in Philadelphia and surrounding counties. On Nov. 16, over 200 demonstrators disrupted rush-hour traffic as they marched through Center City streets, often going against the flow.
The action started at central police headquarters with a rally denouncing the Fraternal Order of Police for endorsing Trump. A key demand was to abolish the police. Speakers condemned Trump’s racism and bigotry and the ongoing epidemic of police brutality that both major party candidates failed to address. The protest ended at Rittenhouse Square, surrounded by multimillionaire condominiums. Four arrests resulted when police tried to block demonstrators from leaving the area.
During the week, walkouts took place at several area colleges. Dozens of students from Haverford and Bryn Mawr marched on police headquarters in Ardmore, Pa., where they were confronted by police officers and other Trump supporters. Students called for an end to racist profiling and for the local police to withdraw from the FOP.
Hundreds of students at Swarthmore College walked out of classes on Nov. 16, joining students at campuses around the U.S. calling for their schools to become sanctuaries for undocumented students, who are in danger of arrest and deportation.
Swarthmore President Valerie Smith joined the students and issued a statement that read in part, “By initiating this petition, our community members are exercising their rights and power to raise their voices for social justice — a time-honored goal and tradition at Swarthmore.”