
Engineers the world over agree that the new Tibet-China railroad that opened July 1, carrying 2,569 passengers in its first three days of operation, is the most impressive engineering feat of its kind in the world. It is the worlf\ÈYÚ\ݘZ[Ø^K\ÈÙ[\ÈHÛ™Ù\Ý]X]H˜Z[›ØY ... Posted Jul 7, 2006

Bush’s appointee to be the new head of the CIA, Air Force Gen. Michael V. Hayden, is exactly what one would expect of this president.... Posted May 10, 2006

The attitude in the imperialist establishments of Europe and the U.S. toward Black Africa is so dripping with racism that almost every mention in the mass media of this rich and vibrant continent takes it for granted that the people will be perpetually poor and their societies woefully underdeveloped. We always hear of “aid” for Africa—which amounts to little more than a pittance—but never of the great wealth produced by African workers that continues to be taken out by imperialist corporations, which feast off its minerals, its rubber, its lumber, its diamonds, and more and more, its oil.... Posted May 4, 2006

Was there ever any doubt? The bosses will use every weapon and every dirty trick to try to beat back worker solidarity. ... Posted Apr 20, 2006

The National Peoples Congress of China “is consumed with an ideological debate over socialism and capitalism that many had assumed had been buried by China’s long streak of fast economic growth,” according to a lead story in the March 12 New York Times.... Posted Mar 17, 2006

On Jan. 1, 1994, the world was awakened to a new era of struggle, personified by the uprising of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) on the day that the North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect between Mexico, the United States and Canada. ... Posted Jan 8, 2006

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