Student occupation says ‘all walls must go!’

Students all over New York City walked out in protest Feb. 7.

New York – Demanding “This place is sanctuary!” three students were lead organizers of the Jan. 30 occupation at the New School. One of their many chants was “From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have to go!” With 100 other students and supportive faculty, a “mic check” was called.

Sage demanded that New School President David Van Zandt declare the college a sanctuary for undocumented students, and that the school offer these students legal and financial aid. She asserted that “Trump’s executive orders are not the final word! No human is illegal!”

A Palestinian student spoke of her family’s persecution and the denial of their rights. Other speakers mentioned the increased attacks on students since Trump’s inauguration. A speaker affirmed that students are refusing the registration of immigrants “by any means necessary!”

After the militant rally, these New School leaders continued their protest with an unpermitted march to a nearby park. There they met with students from at least four other campuses for an outdoor rally, where the crowd chanted, “No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here!”

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