‘Marxist School of Theory & Struggle’ opens in North Carolina

Participants in Workers World Party’s Marxist school.
WW photo: Bryan G. Pfeifer

Members, candidate members and friends of Workers World Party kicked off a week-long Marxist School of Theory and Struggle on Aug. 12 with a forum called “Capitalism at a Dead End and the Global South.” Held at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the forum was chaired by WWP youth and student leader, Caleb Maupin.

Featured speakers were the party’s First Secretary, Larry Holmes, and Mundo Obrero/Workers World editor, Berta Joubert Ceci. After their well-received presentations, Holmes and Joubert-Ceci fielded questions and comments from participants, many of whom had come from across the United States to attend the Marxist school and to assist in building activities for the Sept. 2 March on Wall Street South.

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